Swarm Enterprise Hub

Swarm Enterprise Hub addresses questions that are relevant for enterprise use of Swarm such as regulatory compliance, GDPR, privacy, security and enterprise use-cases.

Enterprise collaboration as driver of fair data economy

Enterprise collaboration as driver of fair data economy

The problems we see today, arise mostly out of existing business models and misaligned incentives.

Moreover, Swarm enables new fair data business models and ethical services that respect human rights and enable fair distribution of value. Adoption by enterprise is thus key to facilitate paradigm change.

Interoperability, privacy and regulatory compliance

Interoperability, privacy and regulatory compliance

Questions like how should an enterprise deal with GDPR and Swarm are common for many businesses. These are common challenges and it only makes sense the enterprise ecosystem collaborates.

Clear answers and best practices related to satisfying regulatory requirements, make the decision to build on Swarm easier, but even more importantly, faster, cheaper and safer.

Zero-cost hosting infrastructure that generates revenues not costs

Zero-cost hosting infrastructure that generates revenues not costs

Swarm’s incentive model creates unique economic model that enables zero-cost hosting and revenues generation through providing services and hardware to the Swarm network.

Enterprises get a self-sovereign cloud that offers DDOS-resistance, zero-downtime, scalability and privacy-by-design out of the box while they keep full control over their data. Swarm enables enterprises to reclaim their role and sovereignty within the emerging fair data economy.

Disclaimer: The content of this website is created collaboratively by the Swarm community (see acknowledgements page). The views expressed on this website are therefore not the views of Swarm Association or its respective affiliates. Nothing within this website and post constitutes investment, legal, technical or other advice. Please read the full disclaimer.